I'm a Sports Dietitian and Exercise Professional who specialises in helping ambitious people look, feel and perform better, without putting their life on hold.
Having studied nutrition for over 5 years at University level, published scientific research and worked with hundreds of people over the years - I know exactly what's required to get the results you deserve.
Contrary to popular belief, it's NOT endless cardio, eating bland foods out of tupperware, or putting your life on hold; living like a monk.
Using a bespoke and evidence based approach, my program provides a complete coaching solution that covers every aspect required to get incredible results.. While educating you every step of the way, so you can build a physique that lasts.
BSc (Hons) Dietetics
First Class Honours (76%)
MSc Sports Nutrition
Distinction (81%)
PgCert Strength & Conditioning
Certified Personal Trainer

ISAK Level 1

Pre-Script Level 1 Coach

Dietitian Nutrition Coach

Certified High Performance Coach L1
Health and Fitness has always been a big part of my life. And like many, I was extremely active throughout my teenage years, juggling a few different sports, between Gaelic football, Boxing and Kickboxing. For a few years, I was even on the Irish national team for kickboxing and competed in places such as Croatia, Serbia and Italy for World/ European championships!
Being immersed in sport, particularly kickboxing as a weight making sport, I had early exposure to to manipulating body composition for competition.
Like most people, my first port of call was Google! And after sifting through endless information, I figured the lower I drop my calories, the quicker I would lose weight.
This led to severe restrictions making weight over my teenage years. Unfortunately, this was common practice, so at the time, felt like a requirement to be competitive. And proper nutrition education was hard to access!
While I made weight over the years, it took a tole mentally and physically. In truth, it was the reason I stopped competing.
However, what it did do, is taught me WHAT NOT TO DO. And pushed me to learn more about proper nutrition for health and performance.

My pursuit of knowledge started with a degree in Dietetics to become a Registered Dietitian. Dietitians are nutrition experts who have at least 4 years degree level education, have completed over 1000 hours of supervised practice and passed a nutrition registration exam. So this was by no means your typical weekend, or online nutrition course.
Following 4 tough years, I was proud to graduate with a first class honours. Building on my passion for sport, I have since went on to become a Certified Personal Trainer and obtained a Master’s degree in Sports and Exercise Nutrition, where I achieved a distinction and placed top of my year. I have also recently published a scientific paper in the area of GAA sports nutrition.
Post graduation, I have had the opportunity to work at both County and Cub level in Gaelic Football as Lead Performance Nutritionist.
I've also accumulated thousands of hours practical experience, between having worked clinically in the Health Service and privately with both professional athletes and everyday people.
As of 2020, my practice has moved completely online, for obvious reasons! While a challenging period, this transition Online is one of the best things that could have happened. It allows me to have a much greater impact and work more closely with private clients. Since this move, I've helped countless people with their sport & physique goals.
If you’re interested in seeing how this service can help you, check out my signature program below.